About Me

Hello dear visitor! I assume that those of you who are going to read this blog already know me… BUT, in the off chance we’ve never met and you happened to stumble upon my blog because you’re interested in Peace Corps, or were invited to serve in Cambodia, or you just generally like to read blogs, let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Amy and am currently serving as an English teacher in the Peace Corps in Cambodia.  I grew up in Iowa/Colorado, went to college in Massachusetts, and lived in NYC post-grad.  If you had asked me 5 years ago what I saw myself doing at this point in my life, I’d probably give you some BS answers: grad school, working, being homeless; 10 years ago: med school; 15 years ago: singer/dancer/actress (yes, I wanted to be the triple threat); 20 years ago: a butterfly (I was a weird kid)…

The truth is, I was never set on joining the Peace Corps until last year when I decided to begin my application.  This was something that I had always entertained, even in high school, and I kept putting it out of my mind because of these excuses: “but 2 years is a long time”, “but I’ll miss out on so much if I leave”, “but this, but that”… however, the one thing I did know was that whatever it was I was doing right now, my day to day life, was not enough. I didn’t want to spend my day sitting in front of a computer, stuck at a 9-5 kind of job, I wanted to DO something. So I did, and here I am now. No more excuses.

2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. it’s crazy! you sound so much like me, ( I too wanted to be a triple threat, lol). I’m graduating from undergrad in May and after many internships, have realized I cannot spend my days in a cubicle. I want adventure, I want to challenge myself, I want to learn about others. So I applied to the Peace Corps. And I’ve been invited to serve in Cambodia! I’m set to leave in early July. Im so excited, but also very apprehensive. I’ll be stalking your blog until then to see what things are like haha. Are you loving it?


  2. Thank you for talking about when you decided. Same boat, gives me hope that I don’t have to be perfect and that just because I just decided recently I would like to do it doesn’t mean that I will be better or worse than any other volunteer.


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